Making the Switch From Toxic to Non-Toxic Products



Making the change from products with toxic ingredients to non-toxic products can seem like a big mountain to climb. You’ve spent years curating your list of holy grail products and testing out different ones for the perfect formula. Unfortunately, many of them have things like parabens in them which have been linked to reproductive, immunological and neurological issues, as well as recurring skin problems (1)!


It’s not even just your makeup and skincare that could be problematic. Certain deodorants are made with aluminum which has been suspected of causing breast cancer (2). Many sunscreens are made with benzophenone, which is another suspected carcinogen (3). Toxic materials are used in many products and it can be incredibly concerning. Now, nobody’s telling you to go out and replace all of your products right away, that would be expensive and frustrating.


Instead, consider using a guide like Think Dirty or EWG Healthy Living to educate yourself on the products you already own. You may find some surprising gems in your collection and you may also find some products that you should replace right away. For example, many dark colored lipsticks may be more prone to containing toxic chemicals than lighter colored ones. Here’s a few tips on what you can do to make the transition to non-toxic products a little easier on yourself (and your wallet!)


Use and replace

If you have a product that you already own, there’s no need to replace it right this second unless it ranks extremely high on the toxic scale. It’s much easier to use your products as usual and when you run out, research a great non-toxic replacement. This spreads out the cost of replacing the products over time and eventually, your entire beauty repertoire will be filled with non-toxic products.


Choose non-toxic stores

Choosing brands that are conscious of toxic chemicals and their effects on your health is a great, low effort way to revamp your collection. It makes it easy because no matter what product you buy from them, you can be assured that it will fit your criteria. The market is growing exponentially for non-toxic products so you’ll have plenty of options and you may even find your new favorite product.


Avoid toxic ingredients

Now, this may seem like a tough one but once you become aware of which chemicals you should avoid, reading the ingredients list gets much easier. The David Suzuki Foundation has a list of key ingredients to avoid, so check it out if you’re unsure of what to stay away from. Much like you would check the ingredients of food for an allergen, checking the ingredients of your cosmetics is a sure way to make sure you’re picking the best possible products for you.


Choosing to make the switch to non-toxic products can be daunting and you may not be sure if the cost outweighs the risk but just make sure you’re doing the research to make sure it’s the right choice for you.




